Acceso a las siguientes publicaciones:

Miroslav Verner
Abusir I. The Mastaba of Ptahshepses: Reliefs, vol. I-II
Charles University, Prague 1982

Miroslav Verner
Abusir II. Baugraffiti der Ptahschepses Mastaba
Czech Institute of Egyptology, Prague 1992

Miroslav Verner
Abusir III. The Pyramid Complex of Khentkaus
Charles University in Prague and Academia, Prague 1995

Ladislav Bareš
Abusir IV. The Shaft Tomb of Udjahorresnet
Charles University in Prague, Prague 1999

Miroslav Bárta
Abusir V. The Cemeteries at Abusir South I
Set Out and the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Prague 2001

Miroslav Verner – Vivienne G. Callender
Abusir VI. Djedkare’s Family Cemetery
Czech Institute of Egyptology and Set Out, Prague 2002

Miroslav Bárta – Jaromír Krejčí (eds.)
Abusir & Saqqara in the Year 2000
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Oriental Institute, Prague 2000

Miroslav Bárta (text) – Kamil Voděra (photography)
Memories of 4500 years ago
Foto-Grafika Kamil Voděra, Brandýs nad Labem 2002

Eugen Strouhal – Ladislav Bareš
Secondary Cemetery in the Mastaba of Ptahshepses at Abusir
Charles University, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Prague 1993

Miroslav Verner
CAA Tschechoslowakei Lieferung I: Altagyptische Saerge in den Museen und Sammlungen der Tschechoslowakei

Czech Institute of Egyptology, Prague 1982

Miroslav Verner
Lost Pyramids, Forgotten Pharaohs, Abusir
Academia, Prague 1997

Miroslav Verner
Some Nubian Petroglyphs on Czech Concessions
Czech Institute of Egyptology, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philologia Monographia XLV 73, Prague 1973

Miroslav Verner et al.
Unearthing Ancient Egypt / Objevování starého Egypta 1958-1988
Czech Institute of Egyptology, Prague 1990

Zbyněk Žába
Les maximes de Ptahhotep
Édition de l’Académie Tchécoslovaque des Sciences, Prague 1956

Zbyněk Žába
L’orientation astronomique dans l’anceinne Égypte, et la précision de l’axe du monde
Édition de l’Académie Tchécoslovaque des Sciences, Prague 1953

Zbyněk Žába
The Rock Inscriptions of Lower Nubia, Czechoslovak Concession
Czech Institute of Egyptology, Prague 1974

František Lexa: The Founder of Czech Egyptology / Der Begruender der tschechischen Aegyptologie
Charles University, Prague 1989

Zbyněk Žába – Miroslav Verner et al.
Preliminary Report on Czechoslovak Excavations in Mastaba of Ptahshepses at Abusir
Czech Institute of Egyptology, Prague 1976

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